Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Demivictories Against Demolition

In the last few weeks Memphis has had a few stop-the wrecking-ball-for-now victories:
  • The Zippin Pippin. It's going to North Carolina. This probably doesn't look like even half a victory to some. I understand, because I'd like to see it stay in Memphis too. However, the move's still a better outcome than having it turned to firewood by a Memphis bulldozer, which seemed to be very much its fate if not moved. Memphis loses, but the Zippin Pippin lives!
  • The Chisca Hotel. According to the Memphis Business Journal, the development that had threatened the Chisca now appears capable of living happily next door. That's good, but until someone commits to saving the Chisca itself, it's still endangered.
  • Tennessee Brewery. The development that threatened to knock down 26% of the Tennessee Brewery has been dealt a setback when it didn't win a density variance from the Memphis and Shelby County Board of Adjustments. Notice, I said "didn't win" -- the vote was actually 4-2 in favor of the variance, but the developer needed 5 votes since the agency actually has 8 voters, 2 of which didn't show up for the vote.
  • Imperial Lanes on Summer Avenue. I didn't even know this was threatened until I read this thread on the Goner Records Memphis bulletin board. Threatened by a strip mall. As Goner board member Hemant comments, "a strip mall? Arent there enough vacant properties on Summer for a strip mall? " (That sentence could be a template of opposition for every stupid-ass demolition in the history of Memphis.) The Goner thread, which was dormant since July, recently came alive again last Friday when member sugardaddy announced, "the deal went south. Imperial Lanes to remain open!!! fur now."
Fur now is much better than fur never.

Cornerstone, First Congo Church



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