Monday, August 10, 2009

Public Meeting About the Cobblestones

Wading into the Mississippi
This coming Tuesday, TDOT and the Corps of Engineers will host an important public information meeting regarding Memphis' plans for Cobblestones improvement. Details:

The Riverfront Development Corporation states
The purpose of the Historic Cobblestone Landing Restoration and Walkway Project is to stabilize and restore the Memphis Cobblestone Landing and provide limited usability, connectivity and accessibility improvements.
The Friends for Our Riverfront* and the blog Memphis Cobblestones both have many questions, real problems and tons of cool side information about the Cobblestones plan.

My questions:
  1. will the improvements intentionally or effectively decommission the cobblestones as a boat landing?
  2. will they harm the Cobblestone's status as a National Historic Landmark?
the RDC answers my first question, listing
  • Continuation of and improvements to the docking of boats
as an objective.

No muddiness there, except that it's listed as objective 5 in a prioritized list. So my filtrated question for the RDC is,

"Forget prioritized objectives -- I want to land my boat on the Cobblestones. Will I be able to do this after the improvements?"

Memphis Cobblestones

* despite its reputation as an opponent of the RDC, the FfOR and its skirmishes with the RDC have sharpened the spotlight on Memphis riverfront. In this case, the FfOR have really publicized a public meeting that will give the RDC a chance to pitch their cobblestone ideas.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen some of the RDC's ideas and they mostly leave everything alone.

However, I saw one drawing with some stairs along the sides and one in the middle of the cobblestones providing easier access to the waterfront.

I think that, paired with some educational signage, would be good for the space, as it brings people into it and connects it better with Beale Street Landing and the park to the north.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Beale Street Landing provides "easier access to the waterfront." What good is a sidewalk and stairs on the Cobblestones, if at the same time they discontinue the primary use of the Cobblestones -- to board riverboats?

Memphians, please wake up and turn on your brains to full wattage before it is too late. You have the last remaining and greatest still-functioning Cobblestone Landing in the nation. Pretty soon you'll have an arid, lifeless expanse of cobblestones -- and Beale Street Landing, which in the scheme of things has no connection to Memphis and its history. If you really want the latter, then fine, but don't shut down the former.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it makes for continued access from Beale Street Landing to the park, since the cobblestones are between those two.
Also, I don't think the walkway going parallel to the water would ruin this as a boat landing. The walkway would floor during high water times and be exposed during low water times. I think with this design, boats can still use the cobblestones if the captains so desire. this just makes it easier for people to walk around (especially those in wheelchairs or who are otherwise impaired) and through the cobblestones.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:27 AM  

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