Mojo, Photo, Rummage, Resolve
- At Jon W. Sparks, Mike McCarthy makes a request.
I need about 25 folks to arrive at the BACKBEAT TOURS kiosk at Blues City Cafe (2nd and Beale) across from BB Kings on Thursday November 8th for a 2:00 PM photo shoot.
- Ryan Jones of My Midtown Memphis is looking for high-quality vintage photographs of Memphis.
- The Rozelle Artist Guild (aka the Rozelle House) is having a rummage and art sale.
The Rozelle Rummage & Art Sale is a community-wide yard sale and miniature Cooper-Young fest taking place in the Rozelle-Annesdale Park on Saturday, November 10th from 7AM to 3PM.
More details at Lantana Projects and the Artist Guild's website.
- Live From Memphis has announced the theme for their next Li'l Film Fest: Resolutions. Deadline for entry: December 3, 2007.
I resolve to make a movie. I resolve to finish the ones I've already started.
Labels: art, events, filmmaking, Memphis, Memphis history, redevelopment
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