Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Children's Page, 1925

I found this drawing on The Children's Page of the August 2, 1925 Commercial Appeal. If this is the Eudora Welty, she would have been 16 at the time.

A weird coming together of the native talent and inbred evil of the South.

I'd been looking for a Commercial Appeal editorial putdown of H.L. Mencken (remembered by Richard Wright), which was probably a response to a Mencken putdown of William Jennings Bryan which was probably a response to a Bryan putdown of Charles Darwin. I'm still looking for the editorial.

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Blogger Chris Davis said...

Has to be her. What an unusual find. Wow. She made crude pen and ink drawings. And the handwriting, while not exact (the a is different, a bit) looks to be a match. http://www.upress.state.ms.us/books/285

9:01 PM  
Blogger junebug said...

That type of drawing was typical, given the period- doesn't anyone remember "Hambone" cartoons in the memphis paper? probably Commercial Appeal...

4:45 AM  
Blogger Arnold and Claudia said...

I'm also looking for that editorial about Mencken. I know that it was published in the spring of 1927, and it calls Mencken a "fool." If you find it, I hope you will post it.

11:23 AM  

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